Homlok Építő Zrt. was founded in November 2016 as a 100% Hungarian-owned private corporation. Its founders are two brothers: Zsolt Homlok, railway construction engineer and engineer technician, and Tibor Homlok, structural engineer and railway construction project manager, who have decades of professional and corporate management experience.
The main profile of the company, registered in Vas County, is railway construction, to which structural engineering was added in 2018 and civil engineering in 2021.
The company acquired a subsidiary in 2021, Shop Assistant Építőipari és Kereskedelmi Kft. [Shop Assistant Construction and Commercial Ltd.], which adds an area of expertise to the company that complements the professional activities of Homlok Zrt.
The objective of Homlok Zrt. is to provide complex and comprehensive solutions in all areas of construction, offering design and construction services in line with Western European quality standards.
The company is active across the whole country: It has offices and branches in Budapest as well as western and eastern Hungary while also constantly expanding and evolving its operations.
It possesses all the required accreditations and certifications to carry out its construction activities, accredited by EMT Első Magyar Tanúsító Zrt [EMT First Hungarian Accreditation Private Company Limited by Shares], which guarantees quality to partners and customers.